Sunday, January 16, 2011

Connecting with Experience

I just noticed that the last post I put up here was back in February of 2010, almost a year ago, a true testament to my laziness when it comes to taking the time to do a little blogging. When it comes to internet posting, random thought sharing, and any creativity that could be associated with the two, Facebook has definitely taken over the field. Having said that, I really believe that there is something unique and something that I truly enjoy about a blog post.

I recently had a conversation with someone about downloading music and for me, it kind of fits with this idea. Our talk started with me explaining how I miss the album experience. Now I’m not strictly talking about vinyl but music in any format. There is a particular experience associated with sitting down and playing an album (or a CD) from start to finish. Reading the notes, checking out the artwork and trying to tie it all together with the music is a really unique and rewarding experience and one that I have recently fallen out with.

The quick fix of convenience has distanced me from a lot of the things I enjoy. Music at our fingertips has lessened the appreciation and in most situations, the lasting affect an album may have because for me anyway, it needs to be associated with a particular action, experience, and memory. I don’t know, maybe I just need to adapt and get with the times or something.

Maybe I’m showing my age in thinking this. Maybe nobody under the age of 25 can even relate to this experience. Maybe blogging is a better analogy to be using here so let’s get back to the topic at hand. If I could set a target for myself, one that is creative, rewarding, and in a way, a connection with the experiences I feel are departing my life, I am going to try and spend more time here, writing, thinking, and sharing. It’s a little more personal than FB and a hell of a lot more fun. I should also recapture the album experienced while I’m at it.

Photo Notes: I took this picture of Janet this afternoon at the Union Street Tim Horton's. We were out for a walk and need a warm-up. I'm starting to appreciate my phone's camera more and more.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Near Stanley, NB

NB is full of interesting little communities. One of my favorite things to do on a Sunday is to go exploring with my camera. Yesterday Janet and I took a trip up to McNamee to check out the suspension foot bridge that crosses a section of the Miramichi River. It was icy, slippery, and pretty scary so we decided not to cross over. On the way back we saw this little collection of run down buildings and figured we better get a few shots.

These kind of scenes fascinate me. Once a home or a store front or maybe even a popular spot for locals to get their gas. Now, these buildings are rotten, condemned shells of what they once might have been.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Nose!!!!

I woke up this morning with an incredibly high-powered sniffer. I don’t get it but it’s like I’m a some kind of new super hero or something. The Sniff! “Ladies and gentlemen, there is a free buffet somewhere in Nasal City and we need to find it. This looks like a job for The Sniff!”

(giant box of Kleenex is then projected upon the night sky to signal me from my secret hideout where I pass the time plucking nose hairs and planning the strategic return of the scratch and sniff sticker……or something like that.)

Anyway, I got to work and could smell that annoying burnt-wire smell, like a smouldering electrical fire. Turns out it was a co-worker’s shoes. He got wet feet on his walk to work and tried to dry them out with a defective heat gun.

Then, when I came home for lunch I walked through three stages of sniff. When I opened the door I could immediately smell dog piss. There hasn’t been a dog living here for like six weeks but his mark was definitely evident to my super-charged sniffer.

Halfway up the stairs I could smell incense. I had burnt some the night before and it was still lingering. I thought to myself, “Now that’s a nice smell for this place.” Three steps later the smell changed to fish. I cooked haddock like four days ago and for some reason it hasn’t left the place yet. I guess that’s why I bought the incense. Maybe I need to burn more.

I should also contact DC Comics to inform them of that latest super-hero on the scene… wait, that’s just stupid.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Played at George's Roadhouse in Sackville, NB last night. A lot of Petunia's friends from Moncton came along with many Mt A students. It was a great time as always. After the first set, 4 cop cars and the department of health showed up to "have a look around". That was kind of sketchy but oh well. They did their thing and then we did ours.
Afterwards, we could decide what to do. It was 2am and we hadn't secured a place to crash. The options were (in no certain order): 1) drive back to moncton and stay with some of P's friends, 2) pitch a tentsome place and stuff three of us into it, 3) drive to halifax and get that over with or, 4) find a cheap hotel and have a shower in the morning. After what seemed like an hour, we decided to go with the hotel option. 15 minutes later we were all asleep.
In Halifax now, sound checked, ate supper with my sister and her boyfriend, gettingn ready to head over to The Company House for one of two weekend shows there. Should be fun.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I went out for a rip on the bike tonight. There are hundreds of trails that surround Fredericton just prefect for biking. Many are old railway beads that haven't seen a train in years. In fact, there is a province-wide trail system of old train tracks that now provide excellent space for hiking and biking and whatnot. We're pretty lucky really.

Tonight I buzzed out around the Sunset Drive section of trail - an area that I haven't spent much time on. There are some beautiful green spaces there, perfect for escaping the city, its many cars, buses, and suburbs.

Now I'm sitting at home passing glances between a lengthy "to-do" list and my keyboard. Time to get at it. Tomorrow, it's back to St. Andrews, this time with Brollachan.

Looking forward to playing the next four days in NB and NS. I'll be staying with my older sister in Halifax and hopefully will manage to set aside some down-time to chill for a bit.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Petunia and The Loons

It feels pretty good to be playing some shows with Petunia again. We had a regular gig a few years back before he moved out west. Now we get together once a year for a week or so and play around the Maritimes. Tonight was our first show and we were in St. Andrews with The
Minimalist Jug Band. Thanks to Jamie for setting up that gig.
We're off to Halifax next weekend and then some gigs at home in Freddy! Kyle, Al, & Petunia - it was great to make some music tonight. Enjoy your poker game.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Digging out the vinyl

I'm hooking my turntable up tonight. It's been sitting in a box since I moved into my apartment over a year ago. Hard to believe it's been that long. Can't wait to dig into the vinyl once again. I love the whole experience of playing records - the hiss, the scratches and pops, and the warmth of the sound. No CD can come close.

I started buying records when I was in high school. I think the first vinyl purchase was from a Montreal band called M.S.I. It was a 7" with six songs and I still have it.

I'll have to give it a spin tonight. Looking forward to listening to DRI's Dealing With It album and some old SNFU.

(just noticed that the three bands I just mentioned all have acronyms for names!)